Improving and saving lives.
Medicine is always advancing and wireless networks are increasingly relied on to support these innovations. Wireless technology being used to securely transfer patient information in real time - reducing inaccuracies, saving time, and providing instant access - increases efficiency. This provides better patient care and optimizes the environment for medical personnel.
During the pandemic, new technology was put to the test, with medical robots delivering medication, checking patient's vitals, and disinfecting rooms. This information was securely shared with data centers to identify patterns and increase effectiveness.* Remote monitoring devices safely reduced hospital inpatient numbers and ensured patient care in new ways.** As the world moves on from Covid-19, revolutionary tools are becoming a way of life that saves lives. A strong, secure wireless network is vital in the progress of modern medicine, and Mountain Wireless uses decades of experience to support this continued growth.
*Tavakoli M., Carriere J., Torabi A. Robotics, Smart wearable technologies, and autonomous intelligent Systems for Healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of the state of the art and future vision. Advanced Intelligent Systems . 2020;2(7):p. 2000071. doi: 10.1002/aisy.202000071.
**Silva A. F., Tavakoli M. Domiciliary hospitalization through wearable biomonitoring patches: recent advances, technical challenges, and the relation to covid-19. Sensors . 2020;20(23):p. 6835. doi: 10.3390/s20236835.

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